is online!

Seventeen years of projects, recordings and sound design are behind the creation of this website and my online Sound effects Collections store, available to sound designers from all over!

Development of a sound designers community on the Internet
In recent years, a larger growing community of sound designers took up residence on the Internet.  Sites like Designing Sound or SoundWorks Collection succeeded in firmly establishing themselves and offering a variety of very accurate content.  Their use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter has contributed to spread and extend the phenomenon.  The number gives even more meaning to sharing!  Other user forums sites such as Social Sound Design and have become very popular platforms and facilitate discussions on any topic of interest regarding various postproduction sound professions.  Sound designers, mixers and other recognized professionals participate more and more actively.  Information is available to anyone who seeks it. I subscribe to this trend that seems beneficial and here to stay.  I would like to contribute progressively over time.

Bilingual website
The site is available in French and English. One way to promote exchanges between film cultures!

Exploring the site
The links on the right column lead to other sound design sites of high quality. They have inspired me and I warmly thank the authors.  The Films section covers my work as a film sound designer.  I wrote a text for the latest most significant work.

Sound Collections
The sound collections will be made available online gradually. The first two have the following labels:


Enjoy your visit!


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