Sound Collector

My love of collecting sounds finds its root in the collection of hockey cards and stamps, then in the photos, cameras and film cameras.

The Sound Library is built over the years.

To record the natural cycles of the seasons and the animal and human presence is one of my major goals and the desire to record such sounds is overwhelming.  The use of these sounds  in my work as a sound designer provides an endless source of ideas, colors, textures and truth.

The pairing of sounds and words in a database allows a multitude of possibilities depending on the level and standard of classification of these sounds.  A glossary of terminology enhances the audio description and is necessary to go further and be more efficient. Creating and Updating my sound effects library made me reflect much on this subject. I intend to continue the discussion with you, my readers! Notice to interested parties.

The use of local sounds in films is a prerogative. The richness and the large palette of sounds from Nature give us the material to reinvent ourselves creatively in a constant pursuit of a rigorous realism, a very strong asset of films.

The feeling of catching a sound is a unique moment in history; it gives me great joy. Even more so when the sound quality is excellent.

The Internet now provides us with the tools we need to share our resources and become better.

Let’s jump!

One Response to “Sound Collector

  • Mélanie
    8 years ago

    Salut Martin !
    Tu as changé ton look 😉 COOL !
    Je suis toujours à classer mes enregistrements … la plateforme est en cours de programmation.
    ÇA PROGRESSE :::: à bientôt x

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